My Posts WIll Be Lengthy

For those of you whom have followed my blog in the past, you may notice that there are a lot of posts that were once here, and no longer are; this is because I’m really getting serious about this blog.

I will be writing as a side-profession, and trying my hand at this “get paid to blog” thing, so I have renamed the blog, refocused my target content, and am moving forward with my new tech blog, Techni-Sense.

This means that I will be posting regularly, and I may have more traffic on the site, so for some of my former readers, I hope that this is something you will continue to enjoy, and if it isn't, please feel free to write me hate-mail about it so that I can correct whatever I may have improperly altered (no, I’m not kidding. This blog is about my readers, and I want to make as many of them as happy as I can).

I would like to clarify a few things for my new readers, though. One thing that’s important to remember about this blog is that my posts will be lengthy. I value clarity, even if clarity comes with length. I believe that quality of content is much more important than attempting to “shorten it up”, so, please read my blog if you prefer concise content. If you prefer short excerpts, then unfortunately I’m afraid this blog may not suit you and unfortunately this is something that I simply cannot change; it is a core value of mine that I find to be extremely important.

Also, you may find my blog to be highly opinionated and speculative; this is by design. I am not writing just about technology (there are plenty of other blogs for that). I’m writing about the potential impacts of technology as it develops, meaning that sometimes, I might just be guessing, and to me, that’s okay. Why, you ask? Well, it gives my readers something to consider and think over, and in my opinion that is perhaps more important than the content itself.

This will perhaps be my shortest blog entry. Hopefully, though, this helps any new readers understand just how this blog will work. I hope that it’s as interesting to read as it is to write.


Image source found here

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