Is Apple Running Out Of Hat Tricks?

In recent weeks I have been putting a lot of focus on Microsoft thanks to all of the uproar surrounding a slew of changes that’s occurring with them. However, I think it’s just about time I put just a little emphasis on Apple. After all, they are set to launch a bunch of stuff soon.

Sorry for not getting around to talking about this launch sooner; I have held out on writing about it for as long as I can, because my honest opinion is that I don’t expect us to see anything exceptionally unique come out of it. Admittedly though, the world is a mysterious place and we could experience the unexpected. I’m going to break down the facts and see if I can come up with some conclusions on what we can expect from this announcement, and in the wake afterwards.

By now, most people who keep up with technological news are aware that Apple is being watched for signs that they can’t hold their own without Steve Jobs at the helm. Since his passing, the world has kept a keen eye on the company, as they have historically been unable to hold it together without him. Even though the iPhone 5 was released after Steve Jobs’ passing, many investors wrote it off as pre-planned, and because of this the world is watching this upcoming release intensely to see if Apple really still has all of its ducks in line.

So this means their next release better be pretty spectacular, wouldn’t you agree?

On September 10th the world is officially expecting the announcement of two new iPhones – the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c – the iPhone 5s being the latest and greatest iPhone, while the iPhone 5c is said to be a more cost-friendly and probably-plastic version of the iPhone that will possibly sacrifice some key features to keep the cost down. I also believe that Apple will be releasing a new iPad; the prices of both the iPhone 5 and the iPad have been getting slashed in major retailers and I can’t imagine Apple cutting prices on the iPad if they weren’t on the verge of a new product release for the iPad line.

So, we have our preliminary lineup: two new iPhones and an iPad. Not so bad, right? Wrong.

As of right now I have three questions about the expectations of September 10th and its impact on the technological world: what is it that the public is really expecting out of these new devices, what could Apple possibly offer us in the iPhone 5s that isn’t in the iPhone 5, and why is Apple producing the iPhone 5c in the first place? I ask these questions because the answers to them will lead us to the answer of the question that is on everyone’s mind: is Apple falling apart?

As always, Apple has remained secretive about almost everything (and will right up until the announcement), but it has been speculated that there will be very little changing in iPhone 5s compared to its older brother save a small camera and processor upgrade. However, one thing has been leaked: it seems that the iPhone 5s will contain a fingerprint scanner. The news that the iPhone 5s has a fingerprint scanner on it at all genuinely disappoints me and throws up an early red-flag that the iPhone 5s is going to be a flop. Here’s where I draw my concern with this leak from: short of a few hardware updates, the only difference between older the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4s was Siri – a novelty. When the new “4s” came out, it’s only change was a novelty and we really didn’t see any innovation between the two devices. I feel as though Apple is setting everyone up for another “4s situation” in the sense that they are going to market the 5s as a new phone when in reality the only major change is the fingerprint reader, which is really no more useful than Siri and is all-in-all just a novelty and nothing more. Fingerprint readers really don’t provide a tremendous increase in security to a phone, and the only thing this fingerprint reader is going to do is be fun to play with and drive the price up on the iPhone 5s. Meanwhile, the actual hardware itself will probably be imperfect at first anyway, making it less of a seamless integration and more of a “we need a wow-factor” afterthought.

With Apple under the microscope by investors right now, they really can’t afford to have the iPhone 5s come off as “The iPhone 5 with a fingerprint reader”. It will scare investors into thinking their innovation has been stifled and I’m sure that if this is the case, we’ll see Apple’s stock decline by close on the 10th.

To quell the words that I’m sure will surface from that statement, I understand that a sub-brand such as the iPhone 4s or the iPhone 5s is designed to be non-innovative and merely an evolution of its original, but is that really what Apple needs right now, with the condition of the criticism they face? If anything, they really should have skipped out on the iPhone 5s and moved right to the iPhone 6, but we’ll get to that later.

So, the verdict on the iPhone 5s: prepare to be disappointed. It’s most likely going to be an iPhone 5 with a fingerprint reader.

Onto the iPhone 5c: launching this device at all is really one move I don’t understand. Apple’s explanation for this device is that they wanted to ensure Apple products were affordable for everyone and thus wanted to create a device that could be purchased at a low price point – but there is a problem with this. Historically, Apple has been able to offer budget iPhones all along without adding another product to their line. How do they do this? Simple: they just slash the price of the previous iteration and boom – instant budget-phone. There is no doubt that this is already happening in retailers now as companies like WalMart gear up to stock the new phone. So, why did Apple pay a bunch of people to create an intentionally sub-par device to fill a so-called “gap in their business model” when they were already inadvertently doing just that with older iterations of the phone? There is no doubt that we will see features missing on the iPhone 5c and with its plastic shell I’m sure we can expect hardware specs similar to the iPhone 4…. But wouldn’t it just make more sense to remarket the iPhone 4 then, and avoid the plastic look and avoid brand fragmentation? I would think so. In the end, I don’t see the iPhone 5c selling in the United States. The iPhone is a status symbol – just as equally, the iPhone 5c could become a symbol of “I couldn’t afford an iPhone 5s so I bought this” (you know how mean kids can be). If you market a product as “the iPhone for everyone else”, are you really expecting it to do well, when it essentially turns it back on virtually the entire history of your previous business model?

I think the answer here is that Apple is looking to grab the profit form a low-cost, high-margin phone and not considering the repercussions of such an approach. This is just my humble opinion.

Verdict on the iPhone 5c? In my opinion, Apple shouldn’t even launch this in the US. I can see it doing well in other markets where phones are much more expensive, but here in the US I couldn’t imagine it selling to expectation at all.

As for the iPad, well, speaking of brand fragmentation the iPad was a mess from the time the iPad three was released. I don’t want to see how they decide to brand this iPad – in fact, I hope one doesn’t even launch. Before another iPad launches, Apple needs to bring the fragmentation on the iPads under control. Therefore, my verdict on this product is simple: if you’re going to launch a new iPad, kill all sales and support for the previous versions. You need to wipe the slate clean on the iPad and start fresh – and whatever you do, Apple, don’t name this one just “iPad” again. Please.

So, I know this all seems pretty pessimistic, and it is. However, we have still seen some pretty good things come out of Apple. iOS 7 seems gorgeous, and after playing around with it I’m very impressed. However, Apple needs to do more than just come out with a new Operating system if they don’t want to end up like Microsoft. If the new iPhones and iPad are all that Apple has to offer on the 10th, then god speed to them - I can envision the stock plummet already.

Okay, so what would Apple have to do to save itself from that fall?

Release a Google Glass competitor, tomorrow and beat Google to the punch on wearable computing, then surprise us all with a massive screen on the iPhone 5s.

If Apple wants to keep investors from panic-selling, they need to innovate in the absence of Steve Jobs. This release is Apple’s chance to prove to the world that they can produce quality products without Jobs at the helm, and if they miss it, then they will have a hard time doing it next year after a year of interim for Apple investors to watch the iPhone 5s be nothing new, the iPhone 5c fail and other tablets really begin to catch up to them. Furthermore, while we’re waiting another year to see innovation from Apple, Microsoft will be plugging away at their changes, meaning that the lack of innovation soon will mean giving Microsoft the chance to spring into action.

Apple needs to do something remarkable, and I think the only way to do that is to move into wearable computing, and to ensure that they don't get left behind in the smartphone market. One of the major changes happening in the smartphone world right now is a movement towards bigger screens. This surge of large-screen popularity can be seen In the wildly popular Samsung Galaxy S4 and the HTC One, not to mention the over-the-top devices like the Galaxy mega. If Apple continues to ignore these two portions of the market, I don't believe that it will do the company any justice.

So my verdict on what needs to be done? Apple should increase the screen size of the iPhone in the 5s iteration, nix the iPad release, only release the iPhone 5c overseas and release a Google Glass competitor. Sounds like a lot, but this right here would be my dream release from Apple, and in my opinion would snatch them from the jaws of death.

Also, while I'm on the topic of wearable computing, Apple had better not produce a SmartWatch. If they jump on the SmartWatch bandwagon, they will only further be proving that they aren’t interested in innovation, because the SmartWatch market is likely to die very quickly.

In the end, we’re either going to be dumbfounded by an amazing innovation in the next 48 hours, or we’re going to be severely disappointed. I’m bracing for the worst, and hoping for the best. If we don’t see something spectacular come out of them, I believe we could potentially see a large shift in the mobile market over the year after. Who knows? Maybe we’ll see the first WinKiaBerry.

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