Although the title is a bit misleading, I may not post a thought here each day. However, I feel that a small page separate from the blogs is necessary. I have several thoughts that are too small to put out a focused writing on - however, I know these things may still come in handy to someone.
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders"
-Lao tzu
At one point, the Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him most about humanity. I find the answer to be very profound. He responded:
"Man surprised me most about humanity, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health, and then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."
"Always Recognize that human individuals are ends, and not a means to an end" - This quote, from Immanuel Kant, truly speaks for itself. As we evolve within our own lives, we must remember not to diminish others in our minds so as to avoid using them as a method for which to further our own ego. The higher into the clouds we get, the less focused our origin becomes to us. If we forget who we are, then our purpose is lost to the mist.
"Prosperity is the Gateway to the pursuit of happiness" I have focused for a long time in my life on creating financial stability for myself and those around me. However, I have never lost sight of the heart of my reason for this: I strive to be prosperous so that I no longer have to focus on the objectivity that is the need for money. I yearn to discover the greater things in life, but before I can enter that path I must be sure that no obstacles stand in my way.
"Who better to observe design than the intelligent?" I thought of this while just sitting under a tree one day. Intelligent design is something that we can consider because we are intelligent; without first having our freedom of will it would not be something that we could readily recognize. This could be taken in two ways: one being that our intelligence is the cause for the concept of intelligent design, or that our designer had to make us intelligent in order for us to recognize the design itself.
During the younger years of a human life, the time seems to go by so slowly. At ten years of age, and hour seemed like an eternity. Now, in my middle years, the time seems to be flying by at such a rapid pace. When I stopped to ask myself why this was the case, I came to an interesting conclusion.
When we are young, one hour of a day is a much greater quantity of our total life. For example: at age 5, one year is an entire fifth of our life. At age thirty, it is only one thirtieth. Thinking in this way, the fraction of our lives that one hour consumes gets smaller by the moment, and as a result time seems to move by faster and faster.
We are alive now, and as time moves faster for us, we must take the opportunity to slow ourselves, and ensure that we keep a firm hold on the reigns of time, lest it gallops away from us, in search of some unknown destination.
"To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour". This is truly a quote to live by. There isn't much else to say about that.
The concept of truth in the world has moved slowly from the absolute to the relative. although some may make the argument that truth has always been relative and that it therefore has never changed, I like to be believe that people are genuinely good and honest at heart. It is my belief that truth in speech and action as a reflection of one's self can lead to genuine love and understanding. I also believe the truth is the key to self understanding - be truthful to oneself, and you will be truthful to others.
"Act without expectation" - I ran into this quote by Lao Tzu earlier today, and it struck my interest. How is it that one can act without first expecting some kind of response? I suppose that this quote is aiming particularly at the point of saying "Do not act just to gain a desired reaction - rather, act for a purpose regardless of the result". However, looking past this initial concept, we find that, if the idea is taken literally, it would imply that one must act on his own without the expectation, of, well, anything. I believe that this train of thought may be relatively counterproductive when moving towards a goal. Although, I can understand its application when dealing with clarity of mind.
Self Actualization (the awareness of self that allows us to understand how and why we exist) is something that has been sought after voraciously throughout the history of man. However, is it not self-actualization to be aware that we are capable of self-actualization? Although there are many levels of awareness, awareness of self seems to be a more base-level instinct. What we are in fact searching for is extraself-actualization, or an understanding of the universe in such a way that allows us to manipulate it. By first achieving a level of understanding that will permit us to understand reality, the inevitable next step is to attempt to bend it. This is the nature of man.
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