Microsoft: The World’s most Massive Jigsaw Puzzle

As we all press endlessly into the future, we cannot help but wonder what it holds for us and when it comes to technology, people like myself try as best as possible to see into the future.


It’s fun.

That being said, I have always been one to keep an eye on Microsoft and their antics, especially lately with the Nokia Buyout and the rumors that Microsoft could potentially be in the market to buyout blackberry as well. Microsoft has been the dominating presence of technology in the past but is still struggling to regain its foothold after the mobile paradigm shift of the last decade.

In the wake of the recent buyout, what is Microsoft going to do during the course of the next five years? The company is in a churning state of change and as of right now, investors are worried (and so am I) about its future.

Though I think I’ve officially put it all together.

You see, in recent news there seems to be a leak of Microsoft’s latest software update to Windows Phones known as GDR3 (or General Distribution Release 3). This leak, which was a craigslist find, seems to outline some major changes that lay the foundation for what is known as Windows Blue, the grandiose update supposedly linking all of the different Microsoft platforms once and for all, thus unifying the new platform across all devices.

It’s interesting that we hear news about this now, right after the acquisition of Nokia, and in the wake a new rumored Nokia device, the1520, which keeps up with the large-screen trend by upping to a phablet.

So what can we expect?

Well, here’s my theory. Many people believe that the surface branding is going to die; I don’t believe that to be true. In fact, I wholeheartedly believe that the Lumia line is what Microsoft is going to kill. Microsoft is going to do it’s best to keep the branding under one name: Microsoft. As I said in a previous blog, Microsoft’s most difficult challenge is going to be to bring the branding issue under control that has been plaguing them. Therefore, Microsoft is going to rebrand the next Nokia device (likely the 1520) to “Surface Phone” or something along those lines, and will make it the transitional device on a slow step-down to a 4.5in surface device. Once this is done, Windows will release the “Blue” update and unify all of the devices, thus making the interface the same across all of them. During this time, I’m expecting to see one or two more companies scooped up, namely Dell and Blackberry, as Microsoft drops third party support and brings hardware production under one roof. Sub-brands like Dell, AlienWare and blackberry will be integrated into the Microsoft brand, and suddenly we will see a very apple-like, IT-and-Business-Friendly, all-1st-party Microsoft.

While all of this is plausible, it is of course quite a distance off in the future and could be massively interrupted by the change in management that is on its way. Furthermore, my prediction hinges on Microsoft’s ability to bring the desktop and laptop market in-house – something that could spur a lot of problems, but also potentially open up the market for other up-and-coming operating systems like Ubuntu Edge and Chrome. Things like this could spell death for companies like Acer and HP though, who have already seen a few woes in this new mobile universe we live in.

All-in-all, I think one thing is for sure: Microsoft cannot keep living on the edge of first party – they will have to tip one way or the other, and continuing to trust other companies with their Operating system is not something that I believe Microsoft wants to continue doing. The advent of bloatware and other issues with Windows PCs is putting a blemish on their name that only going 1st party can eliminate. Since this is most likely their goal, I have based my prediction off of what is most likely to need to occur, and then judging what I believe to be the only logical steps to get there.

In short, this is my prediction, based on a little research and mostly intuition.  I’m sticking to it, so let’s see what happens in the next several months.
Photo Source found Here

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